首页 日常记转正文


01 What's your nationality, please? 请问你是哪国人?  今天的几个句子都是询问国籍的:1.Where are you from? 2. Where do you come from? 3. You are from the United States, right? 4. Well, I'm from Japan actually.口语中经常用1或2来提问。当有人猜测你的国籍时,如果他猜错了,我们可以用actually礼貌地否定对方。猜测别人的国籍一定要小心。如果你对一个苏格兰人说“You are from England, right?”或Are you an Englishman?"他可能会很敏感,甚至会感到愤怒。 
02 How long have you been studying Chinese?


今天的几个句子都是有关闲聊的:1. How long have you been in Shenyang? 2. Where did you grow up? 3. Where were you brought up? 4. I moved to Shanghai two years ago.与老外聊天时,应尽量避免如:politics, religion, sexual affairs, income之类太过敏感、太过私人的问题。但谈论对方在哪里长大、experience、TV programmes、films、tralelling等话题是普遍可以接受的。  
03 I went hiking in the mountains on Saturday. 我周六爬山去了。  今天的几个句子都是谈论周末的:1. How was weekend? 2. What did you do yesterday? 3. I did some laundry. 4. I went to bed early. 谈论周末是普遍可以接受的话题。句1就是周末过后人们见面时最普遍的寒暄话语。这种闲谈不仅能获得信息,而且还能增加相互的了解,拉近人与人之间的距离。  
04 I exercise before I go to work everyday. 我每天上班前都会运动。  今天的几个句子都是谈论健身活动的:1. Do you do any sports? 2. Do you play any ball games? 3. I go to the gym a lot. 4. How often do you go? 美国人对运动非常重视,特别是baseball,football,basketball,golf和tennis.以至于许多习惯用语都出自体育运动。如:He is on the rope. (他已躺在绳子上)来自拳击运动,意思是“某人被击败了”或“某人快破产了”。  
05 Did you watch the game on TV last night?


今天的几个句子都是谈论电视节目的:1. What channel did you watch on television last night? 2. Do you have TV guide? 3. Was it worth watching? 4. You cannot miss it. (强烈推荐某个节目)。人们把一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视,一声不吭,一动不动,就像一个圆滚滚的土豆的人成为couch potato----沙发上的马铃薯。据报道,美国农民还曾为此控告词典编纂委员会,认为将这个词收入词典有损土豆的形象。 
06 Have you seen much of China?   你去过中国的许多地方吗?  今天的几个句子都是谈论地理的:1. It's very densely populated here.这里人口密集。2. My family lives out there. 我老家远在那里。3. What's the weather like down here?南部的天气如何?4. You could try the east coast.你可以试试东海岸。 
07 What do you do in your free time? 你平时闲暇时都做什么?  今天的几个句子都是询问爱好的:1. Do you have any hobbies? 2. I like surfing the internet. 3. I collect stamps as a hobby. 4. I collect maps, I'm not sure if that counts.我不确定那算不算嗜好。外国人很重视个人的interests(兴趣爱好),因此这是社交闲谈的重要话题之一。  
08 What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?  今天的几个句子都是询问工作的:1. What do you do? 2. What kind of job do you do? 3. I'm an assistant manager in a shoe company. 4. I'm work for a language school. 谈论工作虽是广泛接受的话题,但直接询问对方的工作,有时显得很突兀,尤其是对方处于unemployment中,或从事的是他自己认为比较low class工作的时候。所以我们最好先确定对方有工作后再问这个问题。 
09 How do you like working for IBM?  你觉得在IBM工作怎么样?  今天的几个句子都是谈论工作的:1. What strengths do you bring to the job?在工作中你有哪些长处?2. I get along well with people. 3. I enjoy working with others. 4. We work like a team here.在面试过程中,我们既要大方的说出自己的长处,同时也要说明一两点自己不擅长之处。不要一味夸耀自己的长处。 
10 The boy with blue eyes is Tom.   那个蓝眼睛的小男孩是汤姆。  今天的几个句子都是描述人物的:1. a man in bule jeans 2. the woman playing the violin 3, the handsome one 4. He's cute. 美国是一个移民国家,在皮肤、头发及眼睛的颜色上有很大的差异。头发的颜色有blonde, brown, black, red等,眼睛的颜色有blue, brown, gray, green等。 
11 You mean my favorite movie of all time. 你指的是有史以来我最喜欢的电影?  今天的几个句子都是谈论电影的:1. What kind of movies do you like, Tim? 2. I love romance. 3. I like all kinds of stuff. 4. I'm a big fan of comedies. 电影有很多种,包括:cartoon, love story, comedy,tragedy, action movie,horror movie,western movie,adventure movie,science fiction movie, musical等。  
12 I'm convinced of her sincerity.   我相信她很真诚。  今天的几个句子都是表达相信的:1. Seems believable. 2.It's convincible. 3. We believe in ourselves. 4. I have perfect trust in Jane. 一位美国商人说:一个人可以失去wealth,job,opportunity,但万万不可失去credit standing(信誉)。从中我们能感觉到“诚信”二字那沉甸甸的分量。 
13 I have little confidence in what he tells us. 我不相信他告诉我们的话。  今天的几个句子都是表达不信任的:1. You can't be serious. 2. It's in incredible. 3. Are you kidding me? 4. You must be joking. 如果觉得别人是在开玩笑,老美也喜欢说“really?”但这个词有两种读法,如果really的尾音上扬,表示怀疑。如果尾音下沉,则表示惊讶,但已不怀疑。  
14 I wonder if you could do me a favor? 不知你能否帮我一个忙?  今天的几个句子都是提出请求的:1. You don't have a pen, do you? 请问你有笔吗?2. Could you lend me a pen, please? 3. Sure, there you go. 当然,拿去吧。 4. I'm sorry, I don't have any actually. 在西方文化中,一般人都会主动与陌生人交谈或伸出援助之手。所以主动帮人开门、提东西是很普通的事情。 
15 I really desire to get a pay rise.   我很想得到加薪。  今天的几个句子都是表达愿望的:1. I'd like to have look at it. 2. I want to have a ride with her. 3. I'm dying for it. 我很想要这件东西。Be dying for:渴望...4. If only I could get a pen like that. If only: 要是….就好了 
16 Do you think the decision is correct?   你觉得这个决定正确吗?  今天的几个句子都是询问正确与否的:1. Is that right, please? 2. Have I got it right, please? 3. Any mistake ? 4. Could you please tell me if my judgement is correct? 
17 You are quite right. 你绝对正确。  今天的几个句子都是关于肯定正确性的:1. Yes, that's right. 2. Nothing wrong with it. 3. I think that's right. 4. That's about it. 5. You're dead right.你完全正确。 
18 I'm afraid It's not quite right. 恐怕这是错误的。  今天的几个句子都是关于否定正确性的:1. That's not at all right. 2. You are wrong. 3. No, I don't think so. 4. Sorry, that's not correct. 5. You are mistaken. 6. You are all wet. 全错了。  
19 What's the reason he didn't do it? 他没这么做的原因是什么?  今天的几个句子都是询问理由的:1. Do you know why she didn't get the prize? 2. Why did he come back? 3. What made him so unhappy? 4. Is that the reason you feel excited? 
20 As he is absent, we have to do without him.   由于他缺席,我们只好自己做了。  今天的几个句子都是提供理由的:1. The reason is that we badly need it. 2. It's because I don't like it. 3. Because of her carelessness, she failed. 4. I don't know her, and that's why we didn't say hello to each other. 
21 Could you help me with my work?   你能帮我做这项工作吗?  今天的几个句子都是提出请求的:1. Would you do me a favor? 2. Sorry to trouble you, but do you have electronic dictionary? 3. Please pass me the salt. 4. I want you to get some water.(此句用于熟悉和亲近的人之间。) 
22 I'd rather not if you don't mind. 如果你不介意,我倒不希望这样。  今天的几个句子都是拒绝他人请求的:1. I'm afraid I can't. 2. I'd like to, but I don't have the time. 3. I'm sorry, but I'm using it right now. 4. Certainly not! 5. I regret that I can't help you. (较正式用语)  
23 I'll try, What's the matter?   我会尽力的,什么事?  今天的几个句子都是有关答应请求的:1. With great pleasure. (较正式场合) 2. I'd be glad to. 3. Yes, of course. 4. I would if I could. 要是能做,我会做的。 
24 I'd like to know when he will be here. 我想知道他什么时候到这儿。  今天的几个句子都是询问信息的: 1. What's up? 2. What's going on? 3. Can you tell me sth. about it ? 4. I wonder if I could ask why you were late. (较正式场合) 
25 Are you aware of his promotion? 你知道他升职了吗?  今天的几个句子都是询问是否知道的:1. Do you know about the project? 2. Got any idea? 你知道吗? 3. Could you give me any information on the new meeting? 4. I wonder whether you could let me know something about it.(较正式场合)  
26 Someone has told me about that.   有人告诉过我这件事。  今天的几个句子都是表达知道某事的:1. Yes, I do know about the accident. 2. Yes, I've heard about the news. 3. I'm quite aware of his honesty. 4. For all I know, he may have left for London. 或:My information is that he may have left for London. (较正式场合)5. When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it, and when you don't know a thing, to recognize that you don't know it: that is knowledge.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也 
27 I have got no idea.   我一点也不知道。  今天的几个句子都是表达不知道某事的:1. I wish I knew. 我要是知道就好了。2. Sorry, I really don't know. 3. I couldn't tell you. 4. Don't ask me. 我不知道。 
28 Take one of my friends for example.  就拿我的一个朋友来说吧。  今天的几个句子都是有关举例说明的:1. We should read some good novels, for example, Pride and Prejudice.(傲慢与偏见)2. The machines like televisions, computers, etc.have become part of our life. 3. I can use many softwares, such as Word, Excel, etc. 4. Could you come to get that dictionary sometime next week, say(比方说), Friday
29 Make sure you remember to cut off the power. 一定记住要断开电源。  今天的几个句子都是提供指示的: 1. First of all you switch it on. 2. After you've done that, you press the button. 3. You do it like this. 4. It's like this. 5. How can I use the machine? 6. You first insert the card, and then you enter your code number. 
30 In a word, it's my duty. 一句话,这是我的责任。  今天的几个句子都是进行概括的:1. Generally, it's cooler in the summer morning. 2. Usually, he gets up at five. 3. In most cases, IBM products are too expensive. 4. By and large , this brand has been better accepted by people. 



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