首页 日常记转正文


01 Do you have something on your mind? 你有一些打算吗?

表示意图有多种方法:plan to do sth./intend to do sth./have the intention to do sth./have sth on your mind/brew sth./try to do sth.
一般比较常用的是plan to do sth.,用intention一般指目的性较强。
例:What’s on your mind? 你有什么心事?
Can you tell me your intentions? 你能告诉我你的意图吗?

02 I need reservations in a five-star hotel. 我预定好一家五星级酒店。 预定,可以用orderbookreserve,用reserve比较正式。
例:I also need hotel reservations. 我还需要预定酒店。 Please book me a flight in first class.请给我预定一张一等舱的机票。
03 What is the total charges? 总共的费用是多少? Charge费用,一般不说成“what is the total price?”因为price一般指单价
例:Please tell me the total charges for the night.
04 I think I might want to finance this car. 我想我可能要贷款买这辆车。  Finance a car相当于buy a car by installment(分期付款)。Finance作动词意思是为…筹措 资金,向…提供资金。
例:The concert was financed by the Arts Council.
05  I want to get to know you better. 我想对你多一点了解。   Know sb.know about sb.不同,前者是认识某人,后者是听说过某人。例:I know about your sister, she is a excellent dancer. 我听说过你姐姐,她是一位出色的舞蹈家。
06 Give me a break.I'm very confused now. 让我静一会,我心里好乱。  当别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你烦透了,说“You are so boring”.你真烦!“Shut up!”闭嘴!自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“Oh,come on. Give me a break!帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!这多地道,多幽默。
07 A man is assisting police with their inquiries. 一名男子协助警方调查。  Assist with/in 协助,帮助。例:
A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.
08 I think I'm coming down with a cold. 我觉得我感冒了。 Come down with 患…病,染上…病 例:
The doctor told me that I was coming down with smallpox.
09 I were you, I could't take this much longer. 假如我是你,我会受不了的。  有压力可以说have pressurehave a burden,也可以说I’m stressing。I can’ttake this much longer相当于I can’t bear any more。
例:I have a lot of pressure at work. 我的工作压力很大.
10 Burning the midnight oil is never a good idea. 开夜车总不是办法。 Burn the midnight oil 开夜车。
例:The students often burn the midnight oil before a big exam.
11 The facts are not showing the truth. 这些事实表明的并不是真相。 Fact和truth的意思相近,但在“The facts are not showing the truth”这句话里面,它们就有区别了,前者译为“事实”,后者是“真相”。
例:I don’t care about what the fact show. 我不在乎事实表明什么。
I’m not undermining you .It’s the truth. 我没有贬损你,事实如此。
12 Please take the medicine with food. 请饭后服药。 注意,这里的介词一般用with,当然饭前饭后也可以用before or after meals。例:
Eat something before you take this medicine. 在服用这药之前先吃点东西。
13 How come you never believe me? 你怎么从来都不相信我?   注意,believebelieve in的区别,前者是指相信,信任某人,后者是指信仰。例:Do you believe in anything? 你信仰什么吗?
14 Luke has a very excitable nature. 卢克生性易激动。  Excitable,exciting,excited是三个容易混淆的词。excitable是易激动的;exciting是振奋人心的;excited是“对……感到激动。”
例:I’m not a excitable person,but I am excited in this exciting news.我不是易激动的人,但对于这振奋人心的新闻,我也感到激动。
15 Do I need to buy the ticket in advance? 我需要提前买票吗?   In advance意思是提前。例:
I buy an umbrella in advance in case of the rain.
16 The most effective way to do it, is to do it. 做事最有效的方法就是去做。  Effective 有效的;效果好的,显著的;生效的,起作用的。
例:When does the new system become effective?
17 Blessed China.United coutrymen. 天佑中华,众志成城。  根据维基百科的解释,汉语中,“众志成城”的意思是,万众一心,象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致,力量无比强大。语出《国语·周语下》:“众心成城,众口铄金。”
  英语和汉语一样,简短的句子表达的力度更强,所以,一些关于这个成语的翻译,都是选择意思类似的又简短的英文表达方式,比如,“Unity is strength.(团结就是力量)”,“Make it happen.(美梦成真)”。这里选择用动词unite的过去分词形式,是考虑到与前半句结构呼应。
  前半句,福佑中华,用的是动词bless的过去分词形式而不是原形,这是沿袭中古英文中的用法。用现代英文语法理解,可以把句子还原成,“China is blessed. Coutrymen are united.”,咬文嚼字地讲,形容的是国家被福佑、同胞被团结的状态。
18 Death toll climbs in quake aftermath. 地震死亡人数随后攀升。  《纽约时报》一篇报道的标题。年初雪灾的时候,学过“toll”这个词的用法,它的原意是高速路费用或过桥费之类的花销,引申而表达损耗的量,这是英语中表达生命、财产损失的比较地道的方式。
  单词aftermath就是指事件的后果,尤其是灾难性的后果。英文的解释是“the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event)”。
  例句:In the aftermath of the accident no one knew how many had been injured.
19 The program is inadequately financed.  这个项目没有得到足够的财政支持。 这个句子汇总,单词finance的含义“为……供给资金”来自于名词的一个含义“资金”。
  原句:Programs to reinforce existing schools or require that new ones be built to extra-sturdy standards are inconsistent, slow and inadequately financed.
20 America offered an initial $500,000 in relief aid. 美国提供首批50万美元赈灾援助。 涉及到社会福利性质的救济或救济品,常用到这个词relief,英文的解释是,aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped(对于年老、贫困或残疾人的帮助)。在各种灾害中的赈灾援助,就是relief aid
  Aid has begun arriving from other countries, with Russia sending a plane with 30 tons of relief supplies.
  He has been on relief for many years. 他领救济很多年了。
21 The domestic leg of torch relay is scaled back. 国内(奥运)火炬传递(行程)被缩减。  名词leg,我们所熟悉的意思就是“腿”,但在这个句子里,指的是一段过程。英文对这个词的解释是,a section or portion of a journey or course,即,(旅程中的)一段航程;(接力赛中每个运动员承担的)一段赛程。
  而动词词组scale back,意思是,(按比例地)降低、缩小,来源于scake这个词的本意“标尺、刻度”。
  It's decision on Tuesday to scale back the elaborate domestic leg of the Olympic torch relay — after a flood of Internet protests calling it insensitive — is a sign that officials are not deaf to public sentiment.
22 The quake is estimated to have had a magnitude of 7.8.  地震估计为7.8级。  表达地震强度“震级”概念,对应单词就是magnitude。这个词在表示数量上的大小、等级、幅度的时候经常会用到,比如,“电流强度”就是magnitude of current。
  这个句子还有一个值得注意的点,to have had,一个完成时态的不定式作动词estimate补足语。表示这次地震已经发生,而且影响还在延续。例句:All was shocked by the magnitude of the crisis
23 Are you in favor of workers'control of companies? 你是否赞同由工人管理公司?  In favor of something 支持或赞同做某事。例:
He was in favor of the retention of capital punishment.
24 She was despised on account of her sex. 她因性别而遭受到歧视。  To happen on account of something else 后者是前者事物发生的原因。例:
No natural pollen can grow on account of inadequate summer rainfall. 因夏季雨水不足,坦然划分无法增多。
25 There was nothing we could do other than wait. 除了等以外我们没有其他办法 Other than 用在否定句后,引出某种情况下涉及的唯一的人或事,意思是除了……以外。例:
There was a reluctance to talk about their reports to anyone other than colleagues.
26 The heat made him feel he wasn't up to more. 热使他感到再也受不了了。  Up to doing sth 表示某人胜任做某事。用在系动词之后,常跟有-ing小句。例:If you don’t feel up to writing it along,we can do it together.如果你感到独自写不了,我们可以一起写。
27 I could hardly keep from laughing. 我简直忍不住大笑起来。  Keep from不把...告诉某人,防止某人听到;克制自己不去做某事。
例:We thought it best to keep the bad news from him.
28 They decorated the house regardless of cost. 他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。  Regardless of 指某事物的发生不受别的事物的影响。用在附加状语里。
例:They are taught to respect everyone,regardless of race.
29 The place abounds in rumours. 此地谣言盛行。   Abound with things or in things 盛产某物,富于。
例:The larger artificial lakes abound with birds and wildlife.
30 I wound up paying for it myself. 结果到由我来付账。  Wind up 结束;以…告终,落得个…的下场;   例:
Before the teacher announced the final result,their expectation were wound up to a high pitch.
31 I am hunger for a long vocation . 我渴望有一个长长的假期。  Hunger for/after sth 渴望某事。例:
He is hunger to show off in the annual singing contest.


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