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01 Do your mean to say you've given up your job? 你真的放弃了那份工作? mean to say: admit readily 愿意承认(一般用于疑问句),强调语气。
  You don't mean to say you hit her? 你当真打了她?
  You don't mean to say you talked to him about me? 你不会真的和他谈起我了吧?
02 Nothing succeeds like success.  一顺百顺,一通百通。  一句英语中常见的习语,很地道的英文。英文对这个的解释是“Success breeds more success(成功孕育更多的成功),A person who has a small success expects it to be followed by a bigger one.”。Succeed,动词“成功,继承”(To accomplish something desired or intended; to come next in time),一个字一个字的翻译,应该就是,没有什么如同成功那样接踵而至
 03  The monthly installments on the car were paid up.  买汽车的月还款已经付清。
 pay up:pay in full付清,再如:
  My goods have vanished and the insurance company will have to pay up.我那批货丢失了,保险公司要偿付所有的保险金。
 04  I am only a regular 9-to-5er.  我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族。  中文的“朝九晚五”应该就是从英文 9-to-5 这个字直接翻过来的。由于上班族的工作时间多半都是很固定从早上九点到晚上五点,所以才有 9-to-5 这个用法,指的就是很一般上下班的工作。另外像这种上班族也可以自称是一个9-to-5er, 也就是指作这种朝九晚五工作的上班的人。(本句选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》)
  例句:I don't want to work 9 to 5 for the rest of my life.
 05  He had nothing but a cup of tea this morning.  他今天早上只喝了杯茶  nothing but: nothing except; only; nothing else but 只;不过
  It's nothing but an ordinary watch. 这只是块普通的表。
 06  Why are you all turning on me ?  你们为什么都冲我来了? 我们常见的turn on是指“打开(收音机、电灯等),拧开(瓶盖)”,在此处trun on (sb)指“攻击”。
  再如:Michael, turning on the company put me and you at even greater risk.  迈克,跟公司作对会让你们和我冒更大的危险。(电视剧《越狱》经典台词)
 07  Sorry, I put my foot in my mouth.  对不起,我说错话了。 这就是当你说了不该说的话时,突然发觉你说错话了,就会这么说。有一次我跟老美在聊天,他跟我说某某人是 Jerk(俚语:A dull, stupid, or fatuous person),想不到他一回头,那人就在我们旁边。他就很快说了一句,“I put my foot in my mouth.”(本句选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》)
 08  He is not much of a cook.  他不是个好厨师。  not much of: not very good as 不很好
  I'm not much of a mechanic, I'm afraid, but I'll have a look at your car if you like.
 09  I'd be indebted.  情我感激不尽。我欠您(一个人)。  动词indebt,使负债,使受恩惠;相对应的,indebted的意思就是,负债的,感恩的(Morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; beholden.)。
 10  English is his Achilles heel.  英文是他的致命伤。  英语口语中一些特定的表达方式往往有些历史渊源,这个“阿基琉斯之踵”(Achilles heel)就来自于希腊神话的故事,表示“致命伤、最大的弱点”之类的含义。相传,英雄Achilles还是婴儿的时候,他的母亲把他浸泡在圣河中,因此Achilles全身刀枪不入。由于是倒着浸入河中,只有脚跟露在外面,所以脚跟处成为他的弱点。后来,特洛依战争的时候,Achilles就是被射中脚踝身亡。(本句选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》)
 11  Innocent until proven guilty.  证据不足不能定罪。疑罪从无。无罪假定。  看似一个法律术语,却是一个在生活中经常能够用到和听到的句子,就好象会计学的名词“低值易耗”早已成为人们的日常用语一样。这个句子字面意思就是,直到被证明有罪,都(被视为)是清白的。补充成完整的句子,可以是:A man is presumed immocent until he is proven guilty.
  英文对这个句子的解释是:In a court of law, the accused person is presumed innocent at the start. The burden of proof always rests on the accusser, not the accused. The jury will not convict the person unless the proof is clear.(在法庭上,被告最初是被假定为清白的。寻找证据的责任在原告而不在被告。除非证据充足,陪审团不会认为被告人有罪。)
 12  All's fair in love and war.  爱情和战争中人人平等。  句子的字面意思是,在爱情和战争中一切都是公平的,实际表达的含义却是:战争是残酷的,爱情是盲目的,身陷其中的人为了生存、因为冲动会不择手段甚至违背现行规则(英文解释是:People in love and soldiers in wartime are not bound by the rules of fair play.This proverb is frequently used to justify cheating, or used when two people are contending for the love of a third.)。
  All's fair in love and war, my best friend has stolen my girlfriend.
 13  They sought him out among the crowd.  他们在人群里找到了他。  seek out: look for and find; single out 找出;挑出
  He is still seeking out a suitable as assistant.
 14  He pepped me up a lot with his comments.  他的话让我很振奋。  pep up: give energy to使有劲;使活跃起来
  A holiday in the sun will pep you up and you 'll soon feel better.
 15  All that glitters is not gold.  闪光的不都是金子。  学习这个句子,重点在学习一个语法常识,“部分否定”。这里,not否定的是all而不是动词is,也可以说,all...not的组合就是部分否定的固定搭配;否则,按照惯常的语法习惯,这个句子就该翻译成“所有闪光的都不是金子”了。如果要全部否定,想用英文表达“所有闪光的都不是金子”的意思,可以这样表达:None of those that glitter is gold.
  这是一句英文和中文口语中都经常出现的俗语,英文解释附加的评论是:do not be fooled by worthless things that seem valuable or look attractive(别被那些看起来有价值或看起来吸引人而实际上一文不值的东西愚弄)。
  来源于这个谚语,“Fool's gold”作为一个广为使用的名词,形容那些看起来闪光像黄金却不是黄金的石头(a popular name for a kind of stone that glitters like gold but contains no gold at all),有点像中文那句“金玉其外,败絮其中”的意思。
 16  Mr.Grey bought his camera on approval.  格雷先生买的相机包退包换。  on approval: with the understanding that the thing may be refused(商品)供试用的;包退包换的
  The corporation offered to send us samples on approval.
 17  See to it that the door is safely locked before you go.  你走之前一定要锁好门。  see to it:make sure; take the responsibility 务必使;负责
  We saw to it that the child was fed and bathed.
 18  It's foolish to while away one's time in idle talk  把时间花费在闲谈上是很愚蠢的。  while away: pass(the time)in a leisurely way 消磨(时间)
  I was glad of his company to while away an hour until the train came.
 19  He always talked big, but never amounted to anything.  他总是夸口,但毫无成就。  talk big: speak boastingly; make exaggerated statements or excessive claims in order to impress people 说大话;吹大牛;言过其实;以期引人注目。
  We dislike those who talk big and do nothing.
 20 Success results from hard work.  成功来自于努力工作。  result from: be the effect of sth. 由…引起;由…产生
  再如:His illness resulted from bad food.
 21  Please lend a hand with my luggage.  请帮我拿一下行李。  lend/give a hand: help; give assistance 帮助
  再如:Ask the boy to lend a hand with moving the piano.
 22  All his children take turns in looking after him.  他的孩子们轮流照顾他。  take turns: do sth.in turn 轮流,再如:
  There was only one dictionary so the three students had to take turns using it. 只有一本词典,因此 3个学生只好轮流用。
 23  You ought to keep your mind on what you are doing.  你应当专心致志地做你的工作。 keep one's mind on:continue paying attention to 继续留神;继续专心于,再如:It's hard to keep your mind on your work with all this noise going on.这些噪声响个不停,很难使你专心工作。
 24  He noted down everything I said.  他把我说的都记下了。  note down: write sthv.down 记录;记下
  再如:He noted down her address and telephone number in the back of his diary.他在日记本的最后一页记下了她的地址和电话号码。
 25  Our club membership is restricted to twenty.  我们俱乐部成员限制在20人以内。  restrict to: limit; keep within certain limits 限制;约束;使在限度内
  再如:Discussion at the meeting was restricted to the agenda.
May the bright glow of Christmas candle warm your days all the year through.
 26  Shakespeare made his mark as a playwright.  莎士比亚作为一个剧作家享有盛名。  make one's mark: make a reputation 出名
再如:Norman quickly made his mark and was the company's top salesman.诺曼很快做出了成绩,成为公司第一流的推销员。
 27  Beggars can't be choosers.  乞丐没有选择的余地。人穷志短。有实力才有自由。 这个短短的句子在英语和汉语的语境中都常常听到,汉语中类似的说法还有,“要来的饭别嫌馊”,“乞丐没的挑”。英文的解释是,beggars have to accept whatever they get. A poor person has very few choices in life.(乞丐不得不接受他们多得到的。一个贫穷的人在生活中很少有选择的余地。)如今,这句话更多是作为励志的形式出现,告诉人们,生活中胜利的永远是强者,乞求是无法得到尊重的。
 28  Sean, it's fine. You should check this out.  肖恩,这个不错。你应该过来看看。  固定表达check it out,意思就相当于Take a look。比方你看到一幅画蛮不错的,你就可以说,Hey, Laura, you should check this out! 就是请人家过来看看。
  “Check it out!”这句话在Grocery store(杂货店)的宣传语上也经常可以见到,在这里,Check it out说的是,嘿,把我结帐带回家吧,使用的是check out的另一个意思,结帐。如果说你在结帐时忽然发现你有些东西不想要了,你还可以说Check this off。(本句选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》)
 29  Too many cooks spoil the broth.  厨子太多煮坏汤。  还有一句表达类似意思的句子,the more cooks the worse potage(厨子越多,汤越难喝)。最原始的意思是,每个厨师都在汤里加些调料,导致的结果就是最后汤的味道很难喝。如今,多用来指团队管理中,参与意见的人多,意见也多,反而无法作出最后决定,不能解决问题。当太多人插手同一个项目,将造成个体能力的浪费冲突,造成混乱,最终受害的还是项目本身。(This expression alludes to each of many cooks adding something to a soup, which finally tastes awful. Individual action or action by the smallest group possible is better than consulting a lot of people. Too much consultation will waste time and create problems.)动词spoil在句子中的意思是“损害,破坏,伤害”(do harm, damage, injure),下面是另一个使用动词spoil这个含义的谚语。
  例句:One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. 一个烂苹果坏了一桶苹果。
 30  What's another word for 'megapolis'?  “大都市”这个词的同义词是什么?  一个字一个翻译成英文,这个句子应该说成,what's the synonym of the word "megapolis",但在口语中,不需要使用这样的词汇。表示“同义词”的单词synonym(英文的解释:A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language),更多出现在语法类的说明中,而不是口语中。由於小笨霖有时去问老美一些怪单字,(像是dingleberry这个字就很怪)有时连老美自己也搞不懂,所以他还要再去问别人,他们就是这么说的喔:What's another word for dingleberry?(本句选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》)
 31  He bought a pig in a poke again.  他买东西又当了一次冤大头。  习惯用语buy a pig in a poke源自14世纪,多指轻率和盲目地购买商品,而买来的东西却不值那么多钱。据说,它来自一个滑头的商人耍弄别人的故事。这个商人说他的口袋里有一头小肥猪要出卖,而买主居然笨得不看一眼就买下了,回到家打开袋子,才发现原来里面装的是只猫。他的盲目不仅让他白花钱,还使他不得不承担养猫的责任。这里,poke的意思是“袋子”,相当于sack或bag。
  例句:My brother bought a pig in a poke. He bought some property in Florida over the phone. It was on the ocean - in fact at high tide it was six feet under water.


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